Sunday, October 23, 2011

haiku by gravy #2

Squirrel, you run fast,
But not as fast as I do.

Caught ya! Now you're dead.


This brings the tally to Gravy 3, Squirrels 0. Plus a fourth squirrel that just dropped dead on our front porch a few weeks ago. Evidently, our property is not a good place for squirrels to visit. Yet, the stupid squirrels continue to overlook the fact that two 80+ pound beasts patrol our backyard.

The incident happened while Larry was downstairs eating breakfast and I was upstairs still in bed. Larry let the dogs out and I was awakened by three barks in a pattern I call The Death Bark. I didn't hear Larry take action, so I yelled "Larry, check on that!" I heard him slowly get up, walk to the door, go outside..."Oh no!"

They say mothers can sense when their babies are crying - apparently, I can sense when my "babies" have killed something.

RIP squirrel.

1 comment:

Michael Wurm Jr said...

it's been a day. a long day.

your haiku literally made me laugh out loud.

thanks! ...even though a squirrel had to loose his life for it. ;)