Friday, February 18, 2011


valentine cookies
Happy Friday! Today was excellent. As soon as I wrote about my hatred for winter (after having several very cold weeks here and some scary freezing wind), the weather turned around and it was an unseasonal 75 degrees today!

Also - Larry is back! He spent the last two weeks on a business trip traveling through Central Asia. His itinerary went something like this: DC > Frankfurt, Germany > Instanbul, Turkey > Dushanbe, Tajikistan > Frankfurt, Germany > Baku, Azerbaijan > Ashgabat, Turkmenistan > Baku, Azerbaijan > Frankfurt, Germany > DC. Or something like that - it was rather hard to keep track of him! Not all of those countries had internet/cell service, but some did - and it was cool to get text messages from him in the middle of the night from the other side of the world. 

He came back bearing gifts from Turkmenistan, including textiles made of camel hair (which the dogs want to eat) and bottles of vodka. I'm sure there will be many stories to tell once he recovers from his adventure - the countries he was visiting were 10 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time, and he just spent 25 straight hours getting back to the U.S., so right now he's crashed out on the bed (and the dogs keep licking his toes). 

I'm very glad he's back.
valentine cookies
Life List #159: Decorate cookies. Check!
I made him these cookies last night as a treat since we weren't able to spend Valentine's Day together. I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend full of couch time, cookies, and candles. And some Merlot. And maybe a little Turkmen vodka!


eileen marie said...

Those cookies are bakery-worthy! Maybe you feel like posting a recipe/tutorial? ;) Happy belated Valentine's Day -glad your man is home!

Funnelcloud Rachel said...

Thanks, Eileen! I'll try and post a recipe and some decorating tips next week!