Obsessed with chocolate butter.
Eating way too many carbs because of the aforementioned chocolate butter.
Loving our new bed and sheets.
Watching Season 2 of Scandal every night.
Embarrassed that the show sometimes gets too intense for me and I have to turn it off halfway through and watch the rest of the episode in the daylight.
Reading The Executioner's Song and loving being absorbed in a thick and intriguing book.
Admiring the blue skies and perfect September weather we've been having.
Planning a fall road trip with friends.
Listing all the projects I want to finish by the end of the year.
Hoping I can keep my 2x/week swimming schedule throughout the fall and winter.
Eating guacamole for dinner while Larry is away on business.
Staying up way too late when Larry is out of town.
Sleeping in the king bed by myself for the first time.
Enjoying the simple life on Smith Island.
Editing way too many photos.
Cooking with guava paste and nectar.
Laughing my face off at end of summer BBQs with friends.
Overwhelmed by the backlog of e-mails I can't seem to catch up with.
Thinking about what I want to do this fall, but feeling uninspired by everyone's usual obsessions with pumpkins, apple-picking, and sweaters. Didn't we just do this?
Applying to holiday art markets.
Dreading that cold weather and the holidays are just around the corner.
Wearing flip-flops for as long as I can.
Considering hosting a series of dinner parties this winter.
Relieved that we finally finished painting the master bedroom walls.
Discouraged that we still have to paint the skylight, trim, baseboards, dog nooks, hallway, closet, bathroom, and office before the master suite is complete.
Wishing our budget allowed us to finish furnishing this house.
Feeling both intimidated and inspired by the prospect of decorating our new crisp white walls.
Documenting our life with Week in the Life.
Shivering in the cool fall mornings.
Snuggling up with a heating pad at night.
Yearning for more scenic mountain views.
Trying to figure out how to squeeze in a trip to visit my dad at the beach.
Contemplating getting into biking after enjoying our rides around Smith Island.
Inspired to make photo books to document my Week in the Life series.
Dismayed that it's football season again.
Discussing how to make my days more productive.