Monday, October 29, 2012

the calm before the frankenstorm

We've spent the past few days prepping for Hurricane Sandy (water? check! batteries? check! spaghetti-Os? check! two flavors of marshmallows? check! beer? check!) and wondering which part of our yard is about to get smashed.

It's now 3 am on Monday morning, and I'm just waiting for bad shit to happen the storm to hit. I mean what is one supposed to do the night before a hurricane? Just get in bed and go to sleep? (Evidently, yes, as all 3 of my boys are currently snoring.)

We walked the dogs today in preparation for a few days of cabin fever and I took some photos in our yard and around the neighborhood before the trees are stripped of all their fall foliage in the predicted 60 mph winds. And seriously, what is up with all the neighbors raking the leaves into nice neat piles in the gutters? WHO RAKES LEAVES THE DAY BEFORE A HURRICANE?!

A look at the past few days around here:
frankenstorm prep
hurricane gravy
Hurricane Gravy.
frankenstorm prep
frankenstorm prep
peanut butter
frankenstorm prep
peanut butter
sandies for hurricane sandy
Sandies for Hurricane Sandy.
walk banjo
Time to batten down the hatches and see what the next 48 hours bring! My dad's beach town in New Jersey has been evacuated and I'll be keeping Monmouth County and the beaches along the east coast in my thoughts. It would be heartbreaking if Dad's beloved bungalow was damaged in the storm, but right now all that matters is that everyone is out of harm's way.

Stay safe, friends - Mother Nature can be a real b*tch!


Jane @ The Borrowed Abode said...

I guess because you're an artist it figures that your storm prep photos would be so kickass. I see we both went for beans, tomatoes, and chilis. Do you mix them together too? It's a great combo with chips.

Funnelcloud Rachel said...

Thanks, Jane - I love the idea of a bean-y/salsa dip! Got a whole bag of Tostitos, too!

Anonymous said...

that top picture is INCREDIBLE. also, now i know where all the tea lights went between here and Richmond ;)

Funnelcloud Rachel said...

kb - Why are good tealights so hard to find??? These ones came from Target and they suck. I like the Ikea ones best (and they are cheap!), but I hate driving to Ikea!