Monday, August 29, 2011

weekend adventures: hurricane!

hunkering down for the hurricane
Well, other than some crazy freaky wind, some downed branches, a shattered exterior light fixture, and about 24 hours of rain, Hurricane Irene pretty much left us alone. Whew. We didn't even lose power, which is strange since we live in an older neighborhood with overhead powerlines. As Larry said, after last year, we were due for a break. I know Mother Nature doesn't work that way, and my heart goes out to all the people along the east coast who are without power, have fallen trees, or worse, had their house or car crushed.

That being said, I love hunkering down with my family when bad weather is expected. Some of our best dates have been cozying up at home and cooking up a storm in anticipation of a blizzard, hurricane, etc. I'm not sure why this is, since we quite often spend our evenings staying in and cooking together - but the fact that we've stocked up on candles and food, and are forced to stay inside and wait for something to happen somehow makes it cozier.

On Saturday evening, we cooked up a fantastic Egyptian-inspired meal, and sat at the dining table drinking wine, listening to Larry's old Pearl Jam CDs, and playing Million! Dollar! Password! And I have to say the combination of Egyptian food, Pearl Jam, and Cab Sav made for a perfect evening.

Once the wine had effectively hindered our ability to play games that required effectively communicating in the English language, we set up a nest on the living room sofa (we were too afraid to sleep upstairs in our bedroom where a tree could smash through our roof/bed) and went to sleep.

Correction: Larry and the dogs went to sleep. I lay there listening to the whipping winds, shattering glass, and my boys snoring. Oh, insomnia.

after irene
Irene: The Aftermath.


Sarah M said...

So glad you guys are safe.

We get nothing like hurricanes here so I've no idea how I'd react to that, but I did used to love power cuts when I was little - having to use a torch made everything a little more fun.

Sarah Rosemary said...

We lost power a bit over night. But other than that and a few fallen branches, nothing! Thank goodness. And Sunday was awesome, no?! Plus, the weather has been great lately. I am hoping for a long fall. :)