While Larry was
traveling in Central Asia last month and I was on my own to survive February bachelorette-style, I started a list of things that were making me happy - you know, to distract me from gray skies, freezing temps, muddy paws,
insomnia, and missing my boy. The list is on an index card next to my computer and I thought today would be a good day to break it out...
I've recently started
another cycle of
cluster headaches, so if I don't write much in the coming weeks, it's because of my insane
clown posse brain pain. The "good news" is that the headaches will be gone in about two to four weeks (hoping for two), so I'll only look
like this temporarily. Until then, to distract me from my shattered face, we have some happy things:
Things I'm loving:
Homemade custard for breakfast and reading in bed with our yellow comforter, finishing a book on my
reading list, snowflake pajama pants.
Fuzzy slippers.
Fuzzy puppies.
Sales for 50 days in a row in
my shop (my first non-sale day of 2011 was the day Larry returned from Asia safe and sound - I was ok with that!)
The skylight in our bedroom.
300+ ideas for my freelance gig.
Being accepted to the
Ballston Arts and Crafts Market. (I'll be there on June 11 and October 8 - stop by and say hi!)
Reading every day. (Per
Personal Resolution #2 - I've kept it up and read every day this year.)
A new issue of
Food & Wine and mini marshmallows - lots of 'em!
Dinner at my favorite local restaurant -
Sea Pearl.
New cookbooks.
Candles in jars.
Moroccan food.
Sartori Bella Vitano Gold - my new favorite cheese.
Boden catalog - always so cheerful.
"Men" who will carry your
An awesome new
address stamp from
Paperwink. (I thought about designing my own, since I have
designed my own stamps before - but why bother when Paperwink's stamps are perfection? My favorite design is
Highway 1 - but I thought it just wouldn't look as cool with a Virginia address as it does with a California address!)
Llama Love!
Winter sunsets.
14 types of cheese currently in my refrigerator!
Recipes inspired by books I'm reading. (I made egg curry as inspired by
Interpreter of Maladies. If I had a book club, I would totally combine it with a dinner club to continue this theme. I recently finished reading
Empire Falls - not sure what recipes would be inspired by this book - diner food? Currently reading
Gilead...so far the only food mentioned in this book is "fried mush." )
Etsy shopping sprees and pretty packages.
Sugar cookies.
Wayfarer Prints from BKNY. (Can't wait to get these framed and up on the wall! Also, just saw that they are sold out - got mine just in time!)
Italian Cream Cake.
Bakery treats.
iPad2 - soon to be mine!
Favorite grilled cheese sandwiches - gouda, swiss, and tomato on potato bread.
Discovering USB ports on my iMac keyboard - only took me three years to realize they were there.
Pretty stamps.
New nailpolish (Larry calls these my "Terminator 2 nails".)
Cheesetique -
my definition of heaven on earth.
Burgers and shakes at
Elevation Burger.
Pudding cups - I told Larry the only thing I felt like eating the other day was pudding and he stopped at the store on the way home from work and bought me 24(!) pudding cups!
What are you loving these days?