5:15 My alarm goes off. OUCH. I hit snooze. At least I think I do. I actually turned it off, but Larry's alarm goes off at 5:45 and I "jump" out of bed.
I intend to take a photo out the window to document the start of the day, but discover that I left my camera on all night and the battery is dead. Here is a recreation of what it looked like outside:

5:50 Charge camera. Shower, get dressed, etc. Cookie for breakfast again.

6:45 Car is packed full and we're on the road to Crafty Balboa April Showers in Philadelphia. What's in the back of my little Mazda? A 10x10 tent, two 6' tables, two folding chairs, eight tent weights, a tarp, two tablecloths, two wooden display panels, two paint cans, four ratcheting moving straps, a 6' vinyl banner, three bins full of prints, one bin full of supplies, a cash box, rope, bungees, clips, duct tape, a wire basket, plastic bags, a garland... We discuss the need for a bigger car.

7:45 Hello, Baltimore.

7:50 Through the Harbor Tunnel.

8:25 Over the Susquehanna.

8:45 Tolls, tolls, tolls. Hey, here's an idea: why don't I just open up my wallet and throw cash into the road? Sheesh, this trip is getting expensive.

8:50 An example of a conversation that takes place in the car between Larry and me:
Larry: EW! It smells like asphalt! Did you fart?
Me: No! That's the road that stinks because you always put the vent on outside air. TURN IT TO RECIRC!
8:54 I map the final leg of the trip. Why does my phone tell me it will take 9 hours to go 28 miles?! Oh, because I have it in walking mode. Oops. I don't suggest walking from Wilmington to Philadelphia.

9:20 Hello, Philly.

9:30 Philly, your parking situation is insanity. What's this parking in the middle of the road business? We circle South Philly four times before finding a spot to unload. Schlep all my equipment two blocks to my booth space.

9:45 Set up: Tent goes up. Weights are strapped and bungeed to the tent. Banner goes up. Tables and chairs are unfolded. Display system is installed. Prints are displayed.
11:00 Funnelcloud Studio is open for business. Larry runs over to a cute little coffee shop called Black N Brew (I meant to get pictures of it - loved the mosaiced exterior) and brings me back a cup of hot chocolate and a bagel for breakfast.

11:15 Make my first sale. We're off to a good start! (Or are we...)

11:30 Philly is chilly! It's a slow day and it is cold. Despite heavy cloud cover and some threatening wind, we are so lucky that there are no April showers during Crafty Balboa April Showers. There are lots of people out, but business is extremely slow. Everyone who stops by my booth is friendly though. Ahh, the ups and downs of selling at an art market! It can be the most uplifting and motivating experience one week and then the next can be downright discouraging. Today is the latter. The vendor next to me packs up and leaves halfway through the market. I've never seen this happen before.
The highlight of my day is when Brandi stops by my booth. I don't know many people in Philly, so it is nice to see a familiar face in a foreign city!

I'm set up next to the DaVinci Ristorante. Another familiar face: Mona Lisa keeps watch over me.

Jay McCarroll has a tent two down from mine. I've never in my life watched Project Runway, but my sources tell me "Hey, that guy was on TV!" and that he won the first season of the show.

Love the couple in the lower left corner!

I adore these prints by Yardsale Press. The cake one says "SAVE ROOM" and it immediately made me think of Michael. If you follow either one of us on Twitter, you know that we both love caaaaaaake!

3:45 Finally decide to take a break. Larry mans the booth and I get us some lunch from Black N Brew, then take a walk around the market and surrounding streets to check out the area. Strangest sighting: I see a man walking around the market carrying nothing but an open pitcher of orange juice and a hacksaw.

4:00 I wander into a garden store called Urban Jungle. They have some small Beyonce chickens, and even cooler - metal peacocks!

5:00 We're done and we're tired. Break down the display and pack up the car. The most popular item of the day was the New Jersey map prints. Sad to say that Philadelphia lives up to one of its less desirable nicknames, as all of my equipment (tent, tablecloths, artwork packaging) is covered with a filthy layer of black soot. Ew!

5:30 On the road again. Goodbye, Philly.

7:30 Dinner stop. More junk food. Guilty pleasure: Chick-Fil-A. My platform is anti-hate, anti-ignorance, and anti-assholes, so I try to never patronize companies who don't support acceptance and equal rights. I make an exception a couple times a year when we're on the road. Chick-Fil-A may be run by bigots, but sometimes their #1 with lemonade really hits the spot.

8:00 More tolls. Sheesh, again.

8:05 Back through the Harbor Tunnel. Hello again, Baltimore.

8:30 A familiar landmark! Spotting the Mormon Temple from the Beltway means we're almost home.

8:45 The last leg of the trip. Things are a little blurry. 300 miles down.
9:00 We're home! Fifteen hours later and guess what...

9:05 Gravy welcomes me home by snuggling my sneakers.

9:15 Banjo gets jealous and demands some lovin'.
9:30 I head up to the office for a few minutes of work. I have lots of shop orders to fill and convos to respond to. As soon as I sit down at my computer, my eyelids start to droop. This will have to wait until tomorrow. What an exciting Saturday night.
9:45 I call my mother and let her know we're home safe. She came over, fed, and let the dogs out while we were away. (I couldn't run this business without the help I get from my mom and Larry.) Mom gives me a report on the dogs. She also tells me that she ate one of my homemade dog treats. (!!!) "Not bad!", she said. "Good peanut butter flavor!"
11:00 Zzzzz. I'm asleep by 11 pm. Hallelujah! After a week of staying up until 2 am, I sleep soundly for ten straight hours.
You got Chick-fil-A??? I want that stuff so badly. Even if I don't really eat chicken. It's all about the waffle fries. Anyways, I'm glad I got to see you on Saturday, even if it was brief. I was hoping we'd swing around again, but my friend wanted to eat and then there was gelato and then it was past the time I needed to move my car so we dashed there so I wouldn't get a ticket. I do love the photos you took of the day though, especially that one with the couple in it. So cute.
I want to go here!
First. thank you for taking the time to do these posts everyday. I'm sure it take forever to take, edit, organize, etc all of those photos and thoughts.
Second, thanks for the shout out. Seriously, made my day.
I'm going to be sad to see this week long in-depth look at your life end.
Loved this whole post. Great documentation.
Thank you, Ali - so sweet of you to stop by!
Loved watching your week go by! Thought of your earlier post as my wife and I were inhaling a cheese plate last night at 10 p.m.
Thanks, Mike - cheese plates at 10 pm are the best!
Hey Rachel -- I'm catching up with your "week in the life" posts and it's so fun to read! I sent you an email through Facebook, but I'm sorry I didn't make it to Philly on Saturday to meet you. My sister was in town for the weekend. Hopefully you'll come back to Philly soon (despite it being Filthadelphia) and I'll get to see you and Larry!
Very nice booth set-up! Also, on a roadtrip last weekend I swerved over and pulled into a farm stand lot yelling "LOOK! Beyonce!!" just to get a picture of a giant metal one! Cool to see you love the Bloggess too :)
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