9:00 Yesterday was a long day. I fully intend to sleep until noon today, but I wake up at 9 am after ten hours of solid sleep. I get up, but let Larry sleep in.

I discover a greyhound sleeping on the floor at the foot of the bed. As I walk by, he reaches out and puts his paw on my leg. I sit down next to him and he snuggles close. I spend a good 20 minutes just sitting there and petting him. Dogs are the best stress relievers! Then I spend a little time in the office catching up on some work, while Larry snoozes.

10:30 Larry is up and I want pancakes for breakfast. We made Homesick Texan's fantastic pecan pancakes last weekend and it has awakened a week-long pancake craving. I start concocting some strawberry pancakes. They're ok, but the recipe needs work (and perhaps some homemade strawberry butter, whipped cream, and powdered sugar). There's a little leftover pancake batter. LARRY COOKS A PANCAKE FOR THE DOGS.

12:00 Larry sets up his laptop in the living room and starts on a few hours of work. I go into the studio and package up orders, review my calendar, and start planning what's next for Funnelcloud Studio.
2:00 Plunge the toilet for the fifth time this week. Oh, what a glamourous life I live! Curse living in a 70 year old house. SLOSH TOILET WATER ON MY FEET. Take a shower. Obviously.

3:00 Yardwork. The grass is desperately in need of mowing, our gravel path has been almost entirely taken over by weeds, and the lawn is full of my enemy: dandelions. (Tip: GRAVEL PATHS SUCK. I love the look of gravel, but trying to keep it clear of weeds and debris has been the bane of my existence for the past four years.) Larry goes to the grocery store to pick up ingredients for dinner and I start yanking up dandelions with my handy-dandy dandelion ripper-outer tool. They've already gone to seed, so for every dandelion I pull out, 700 more are planted. Wop wah!

4:00 I begin to weed the path (see how it has almost completely disappeared?), but quickly tire of this thankless task. Tomorrow I will spray the weeds with vinegar and salt.

4:45 Speaking of vinegar and salt, I need a snack. Chips and Safeway bean salad/dip. We're out of beverages, so I am forced to drink a beer.

4:50 Larry gets home. He brought me a treat.

5:00 I go into the back yard and start a creative project while Larry mows the lawn. I've been wanting some modern hanging planters for the front porch and had a few white ceramic flower pots that I was trying to figure out what to do with. I saw a project on Pinterest that got the wheels turning and Elise's take on this project sealed the deal. Supplies needed: ceramic flower pot, twine, scissors, folding ruler, beer.

The results are a little sloppy. I measured for the location of the knots, but evidently not accurately enough. I'll work on this again next week.

5:30 I take a quick break with my favorite ottoman.

5:40 Check on my neglected strawberry patch. Step in dog poop. Swear. Lots of little strawberries - soon they will be ripe and red and Gravy will reach his giraffe neck over the fence and eat them all.

5:45 "Not this game again, Mom! You get the cold shoulder!"

6:00 Start making dinner. We're making Grilled Shrimp Tacos with Spicy Avocado Crema and Corn Pico de Gallo. I start chopping. Larry finishes the lawn and comes in to help with dinner.

6:45 Anything with avocados is a winner in my book!

7:00 Full disclosure: Larry and I trash the kitchen when we cook. I'm embarrassed to admit this is what the counter looks like when we're done.

7:30 While the pico and crema are resting in the fridge, Larry mixes me a cocktail: a Bombay Sapphire Gin & Tonic. Mmmm. Happy hour, at last!

8:20 Shrimps, marinated and ready for grilling.

8:30 HOLY SHRIMP! This is seriously the best recipe we've made in ages. MMMMMMM! Top Ten recipe for sure! This totally makes up for the fact that I survived on cookies and crap all week. Fantastic!

9:00 Sunday night is HBO night. We settle in on the couch to watch Game of Thrones, Veep, and Girls.

11:00 Back in the office. I start planning my week. Glad this one is over - it kicked my butt!
The End.
Thanks so much for sticking with me this week!
(P.S. Sorry, if I owe you an e-mail! I'll get caught up at some point!)