Since we'd been out west for most of the month of October, I wanted to spend this weekend squeezing in some activities to enjoy the fall weather we get here in the east. We hit up Lawyers Winterbrook Farm in Thurmont, Maryland so I could cross #50 off my Life List: Visit a corn maze. We also got to shoot a PUMPKIN CANNON, which wasn't on my Life List, but should've been.

The corn maze was cut into the shape of Ironman, which would be cool except that you can't view the maze from above so you really have no sense of what shape the maze is when you're walking through it. Also? We sucked at the corn maze. We only found two checkpoints and ended up coming out the way we went in.
How do we get out of here?

No seriously. Get us out of here!

When we finally did get out of there, we rewarded ourselves for our poor performance with some kettle corn.

Then it was time to shoot the pumpkin cannon!

These were the targets. Awesome!

Larry gathers his ammunition:


Then it was my turn to shoot.

That was fun! (Also, my big pumpkin head = the perfect Halloween accessory!)

We both missed though. To celebrate? A corn dog, of course!