Puppy head under the bed. Every morning since we got our (yet to be blogged) new bed, I've found Gravy sprawled out on the floor next to my side of the bed when I wake up in the morning. Sometimes he likes to put his face under the bed. And yes, those are drop cloths in the background - we started painting our bedroom a month ago and still haven't finished.
Shop orders out on the porch and ready to ship. I love that the mailman picks up packages from my house now. Saves me the weekly trip to the post office!
Breakfast + some tunes. I'm obsessed with Local Natives this week.
I'm being watched.
Off to the pool. In my gym bag: 2 pairs of goggles (the dorky ones on the left are awesome, the sleek ones on the right totally suck), a ratty old beach towel (thin towels make the best gym towels - pretty sure we used to use this as a dog towel because there are a couple holes chewed in it), sunglasses, phone, wallet, keys, pile of quarters (for the gym locker), pile of sea glass (?!?!?!), chapstick, hair brush, hair band, swim gloves and swim socks (I never use either of these). Oh, and flip flops - these are usually on my feet except when I am swimming, since I once witnessed a child peeing on the locker room floor.
50 minutes swimming laps. I leave when the water aerobics class takes over my lane. I'm not the fastest swimmer, but I feel AWESOME afterwards.
The drive home. Soggy, but energized.
Today's mail: awesome $2 map of Shenandoah National Park. (Thanks for the tip, Veronika!) I think I'm going to give this to Larry to put in his office.
Lunch and a reading break on the back porch.
Do a little work on the computer. Shower. Plan meals and make my grocery list, 21st century-style.
Afternoon nap time for the pooch. (More like all day nap time...)
Off to the market.
In my cart: Whole Foods. (Annoying! They don't have everything I need, so a second grocery store trip is necessary...)
In my basket: Safeway.
Putting away the groceries. Yes, I really like hummus. No, I don't have an explanation for why we have so much sour cream.
Porch and puppy break.
In the works: Hummus Vinaigrette. Larry and I usually cook together, but he's been working late the last few months, so if possible I prep the dressing or sauce beforehand.
Taste the rainbow: parsley, pistachios, pomegranate arils. Oh, and wine...
Confession: We've been drinking boxed wine lately. (So cheap, so easy to pour...)
Dinner is served.
On the menu: Crispy Spiced Roast Chicken Thighs with Hummus Vinaigrette over Couscous with Pistachios and Pomegranate Seeds. Super delicious.
After dinner, Larry watches television and I finally have time to sit down at my computer and work. Computer crashes AGAIN. (It might have something to do with the fact that I haven't updated my operating system since...2008... Or maybe it's the 200 applications and webpages I like to keep open at once...) AND YES, THIS *IS* MY DESK. (With wine.) I'm mostly mortified. But then I think of my Nana - she had a plaque on her desk that read "A messy desk is the sign of a creative mind." So yeah. That's my excuse. It's in my genes. (And if I clean it up, it will look this way again within two days. I don't call my shop Funnelcloud Studio for nothing!)
Nightly treat for the pups. We've created monsters because they've started demanding their rawhides at 9 pm. Here Gravy demonstrates a chewing technique we call 'electric scissors'.
Larry puts away the leftovers because I always forget and leave food on the counter. (The dogs love this flaw of mine.)
Clean sheets, ready for sleeping...
But insomnia strikes again, so I work until 3 am. Sigh.
That chicken dish looks awesome! Can I get the recipe please? :)
This is fun to read! Wish I lived closer so we could be swim buddies. And I love all the birth announcements on your fridge ... one in particular! :)
I'm almost positive that the map price is a misprint. Did you notice that the cost of shipping that map to you is barely less than the cost of the map + shipping that you paid to them? Their total profit on the map is like less than a dollar.
Plus, how can a map that awesome be only $2?!
PS -- we bought some really DIY looking trail guides that were $2 each at Shenandoah NP ($3 on the PATC site). They are really awesome. By awesome, I mean written/drawn for a simpleton like myself. http://www.patc.net/PublicView/Shop_at_the_PATC_Store/BrowseCategories/Core/Orders/category.aspx?catid=8
wow, dinner looks delish and i LOVE your coffee cup on your desk, haha! is Gravy a Greyhound? we have one, too. Nala, and she crosses her paws like Gravy, too. great day in pics!
Veronika - I'm pretty sure that they are LOSING money on the $2 maps! Lucky me, though - thanks for the tip!
Cindy - Thank you! Yes, Gravy is a greyhound. :)
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