Monday, January 3, 2011

bad dog!

Ever come home from an errand or a day at work and think OMG as soon as you walk in the door...
because something like this has happened?

Paper Killer! from Funnelcloud Rachel on Vimeo.

I've shared Gravy's love of tearing up paper before. But these instances occurred under supervision - such as at Christmas when we allowed him to open wrapped presents. Evidently, we shouldn't have encouraged this behavior.

Last night, Larry returned from a trip to visit his parents with a bagload of Christmas presents. It was late, we opened them, and then stuffed all the wrapping paper in a shopping bag. And left it in the living room. Oops. Today I returned home from a quick trip to the post office to mail out shop orders and found that Gravy had had a ball. Not only had he shredded all the wrapping and tissue paper, but he destroyed the shopping bag, too. Bad dog!

He wasn't the least bit sorry.
bad dog!
bad dog!
In fact, when I collected all the paper into a pile, he put his face on it like he owned it.
bad dog!
Anyone need any confidential documents to be destroyed? I think I know the right guy for the job...


Pickles and Dimes said...

HAHAHHAHAHAHA. My fondness for Gravy grows every day. What a silly guy.

Funnelcloud Rachel said...

I admit I find it hysterical whenever he does anything "bad" because he is generally such a good dog. I'm sure this is going to bite me in the ass some day...

Elisa said...

OMG that is so funny. Is he a greyhound?

Funnelcloud Rachel said...

Yup, he's a greyhound - a retired racer rescued through Greyt Expectations Greyhound Rescue.