Catch-up Ketchup. I need some!
I'm back to blogging and it's time to catch up!
I've been blogging very infrequently and sporadically over the past two years, but I'm looking forward to dusting this little space off and catching up in the coming weeks. But first of all, where have I been?
ONE | Foiled by technology! My beloved iMac has been broken for the past two years. Ugh! Doing any computer tasks involved transferring data off my semi-broken computer using a thumb drive and then using Larry's laptop if he brought it home from work in the evenings. It was no fun. So I avoided it. I also fell way behind on e-mails because I just can't stay on top of them using my phone. I have 28,000 unread e-mails, so if you've e-mailed me over the past two years and I didn't respond, I'm sorry! I'm just declaring e-mail bankruptcy right now and starting fresh. Anyway, a couple weeks ago, I finally decided it was ridiculous to try to live/run a business with a broken computer, so I bought myself a MacBook Pro (my first laptop!) and now I am doing all the computer things!
TWO | In 2014 we traveled a ton. It was great, but no time for blogging!
THREE | I spent the beginning of 2015 focused on creating tons of new art, and I launched the new Funnelcloud Studio in June. I used the energy I had for computer time to design a new website. Please check out the new Funnelcloud Studio for original abstract paintings, prints, illustrations, and GOLDEN BOOBS!
FOUR | 2015 has been a tough year. Business, career, financial, homeowner, and relationship stress were all happening. That's life and it happens, and I certainly didn't feel like writing about it. Time to crawl out from under my rock, get out of my funk, and make some changes.

Two years of backlog has felt overwhelming, so I wasn't sure how to re-start blogging. But I'm just diving right in. My posts may be out of order and random and confusing, but I've got a lot to catch up on. Some posts will be current happenings and some will be catch-up posts. Here's what to expect in this space in the coming weeks:
+ Travel posts
So many trips that haven't been blogged! I'll be sharing old pics from Maui 2013, Maine 2014, New Mexico 2014, and Florida 2015 in the coming weeks.
+ Art/Funnelcloud/Business posts
I've made so much new art in the past year! My business has changed so much, too. Stay tuned for Funnelcloud Studio updates. (And follow me on Instagram @funnelcoudrach for real-time glimpses as to what's going on in the studio...and my life!)
+ Week in the Life 2015
Week in the Life posts have always been my most popular blog posts. This summer I did WITL in real time on Instagram. But I'd like to summarize the experience here.
+ Current Life
Everyday life posts are my favorite, so I'll share what's been going on in the Smoellke household and what we're into lately. (Hint: books, food, wine, and dogs, as always.)
+ Year in Review
2015 is coming to and end, which means it's time to summarize our favorite things from the year. (And maybe last year, too?)
I've also got tons of old draft posts in the queue that I might dust off if they're still relevant. So my apologies if this space is a bit of a mess as I brain dump two years of material onto the blog.
So let's catch-up! And thank you for following along. Please leave a comment if you're reading - I'd love to reconnect!
I'm reading! And I miss your blog when you're gone. (It happens, though, we all crawl under that rock sometimes...) Sounds like you're re-inspired! Welcome back:)!
I'm reading too!! And yes I missed your blog. Glad you are back
Thanks, Corinne and Amanda! :)
Very excited to "catch-up"!
Welcome back! :)
Yay!! I always love your blog style.
Aw, thanks, Tessica and Sarah! We should catch up in person, too!
Thank you, Karen! That's a great compliment! :)
Yay,you're back! I have missed reading your blog. I feel the same way about blogging -- sometimes it's overwhelming keeping up (hence years old posts) but the best thing is to just start somewhere! Looking forward to reading more.
I'm still here! :)
Thanks, Veronika! I love that you post about old trips and your blog inspired me to work my way through the backlog!
Oh, thank you, Amber! I hope you'll be blogging about your adventures abroad in the coming months.
And how perfect that you both commented - I've been meaning to virtually introduce you two. Veronika meet Amber, Amber meet Veronika - both of you excellent photographers and ex-pats (Veronika in S. Korea and Amber soon to be in Sweden!)
Thanks for the introduction. Hi Amber!
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