We were promised a big snowstorm over the weekend, and for once, the meteorologists nailed it.
Snowzilla dumped over two feet of snow here in the DC area. The news channels started warning us about this storm almost a week ahead of time, so there was almost
too much time to prepare. I went a little crazy stocking up at the grocery store and library.
Eat all the things, read all the books!
By the artist formerly known as Winter Storm Jonas.
Larry was enraged when he spotted his nemesis, cucumber, in the grocery haul.
As much as I hate winter, I love being snowed in. If only I could spend all winter curled up by the fire with a book, a drink, Netflix, Larry next to me on the sofa and the dogs at my feet, and a house full of delicious food as snowflakes fall outside. Nowhere to go, no responsibilities. (Ok, I always have responsibilities, I just choose to ignore them during a snowstorm! Healthy eating habits are also given the boot when snowbound.)
Larry and I had six days at home together (he worked from home for some of those days) and being shut-off from the real world was glorious! I didn't get amazing pictures like I did during
Snowpocalypse 2009 and Snowmaggedon 2010 (still some of the
best pics I've ever taken), but we still had a fun weekend. Here's what we did:
+ Finished watching
Making a Murderer.
+ Read four books:
Roller Girl,
H is for Hawk. (Most boring book
ever! But I highly recommend both graphic novels.)
+ Cooked up a storm: French Toast, Huevos Rancheros,
Carrot Cake Pancakes,
Mushroom Lasagna,
Banh Mi Pizza, Nachos, Buttermilk Brownies,
Banana Bread. Trashed the kitchen in the process.
+ Ate dinner on the sofa every night and stuffed our faces while watching Netflix and OnDemand. (Are there any good movies out there right now? We've watched so many movies lately that have been horrendous. Recommendations needed!)
+ Packed up all the Christmas ornaments and other holiday detritus that had been hanging out on the coffee table.
+ Wasted
hours researching airfares and looking at travel websites. We still haven't decided where we'll go to satisfy
our wanderlust, but it looks like the Caribbean and South America are out for now due to the CDC warning concerning the
Zika virus. No worries though, there are lots of other places we want to go! (I generally don't freak out about these things, but I'm crazy allergic to mosquitos, so why not just go somewhere less mosquito-y and not risk bringing a disease back to the U.S.?)
+ Attempted to play in the snow with the dogs.
They love snow, but when Larry and I bundled up to play with them they were
over it. Both of them stood on the porch and looked at us like we were fools.
I got so sick of people knocking on our door trying to get us to pay them to shovel our driveway.
Happens constantly where we live, even while it's still blizzarding outside. No thanks!
After a couple days, we went outside and excavated the car from its frozen tomb. I've never understood why people are so obsessed with shoveling snow immediately? It's the weekend, the government/most businesses are closed, there are two feet of snow on the roads...WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO GO? I prefer to hang out inside and enjoy the time off. (And let the sun do a little melting.)
But we did eventually dig out. That was when I realized that my favorite tool for digging out the car (my
SnoBrum that I bought in Syracuse when I was a college student) was in the trunk of the car. Under a six food snow drift. So I dug out with a kickboard instead! Worked perfectly!

Two thumbs up for Snowzilla!
* We were very fortunate not to lose power, have damage, or have any injuries. Many people along the east coast were not so lucky.