These numbers don't include Larry, because as he said, "I don't keep track of that sh*t." I'm sure he flew at least twice as many times as I did and read double the number of books that I did. But I've got him beat when it comes to Instagram since he only posted 53 photos last year.
The dog food stat is all Gravy and Banjo. Here's a math problem: If Gravy and Banjo ate 696 pounds of brown kibble in 2014, how much dog poo is in Larry and Rachel's backyard?
For 2015: more travel, more reading, more documentaries, more veggies, more exercise, and maybe I'll turn those quilt tops into actual quilts! And while we're talking numbers, there are 67 unpublished draft blog posts in my Blogger dashboard, so maybe I'll even start posting regularly again in 2015...